What Can I Do? / How Can I Help?

There are five areas where your help and support are most needed:

  1. Share this Site with others. Encourage your family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors to visit this Court Watchers of America website. Ask them to join us in our mission.
  2. Use Grassfire Communications to communicate effectively with other Members in your area and share your thoughts, ideas, plans, and contributions.
  3. Purchase Products from this Court Watchers of America website and other Americans Restoring America Member Websites to further your education. The Adversary definitely "loves" an uninformed opponent!
  4. Place an Ad in your local newspaper, 3-4 columns wide and 1 inch deep, with this Member Website ("www.courtwatchersofamerica.com") in the center.
  5. Donate to help with additional staffing, infrastructure upgrades, expanded marketing, forward-looking plans, and on-going maintenance of this Court Watchers of America website and other Americans Restoring America Member Websites by visiting our Fundraising Campaign on GiveSendGo (or click on the Gold Coin in the column to the left).

If you have thoughts, ideas, or suggestions you would like to share with the owner and staff of this site or you would like to volunteer some of your time to the cause, feel free to call Michael-Edward at 1-800-625-4250 or eMail him at: ME@courtwatchersofamerica.com.

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