In the "Call In" box
below, you will find two methods. If you wish to call in using your phone, dial in using the
number provided and enter the Pin Code when asked. OR, if you'd like to call in using your computer,
left-click on the "Web Call" button on the right and follow the popup instructions. When using "Web
Call," make sure you have your microphone, speakers. and/or headset activated. Either way, be sure
to identify yourself to your host and participants.
Using the "Podcast Player" control box below, you can participate in the Podcast using just
your computer and its microphone, speakers, and/or headset. If you intend to use the Podcast Player,
you should NOT use your phone at the same time and vice versa—if you do, you'll hear two
identical broadcast streams, most likely not quite synchronized!
Connecting With the Podcast Hosts.
If you
want to ask Questions or provide Comments, you can do so using the form below. Enter
your Question(s) and/or Comment(s) in the larger box. Be as thorough as necessary.
Your Name, City, and Email are all optional. We don't use or save this information except to say
"Hello" by Name and to give us an idea of what City (and, by implication, State) you are calling
from—just in case answers to your questions might vary based on the laws in your particular
location. Your Email Address is entirely optional, but it may save some time in case we have need
to send you information germane to your Question(s) and/or Comment(s).
completing the Question and Comment form below, left-click the "SEND" button at the bottom of the
form. Your Question(s) and/or Comment(s) will be sent immediately to the Podcast Host(s). If
appropriate, they will respond during the Podcast as time permits.